Termite Swarmers In Conroe Could Be A Sign Of A Bigger Problem


Termites can multiply rapidly, and their colonies are titanic in size. Professional pest control in Conroe is required to handle these bugs, especially when it’s hard to spot them straight away. Many wood-destroying insects hide in soil and structures. Evidence of termite damage often confirms that things are in a frightful state.

Americans end up spending $5 billion every year on termite treatments and rebuilding. Costs typically aren’t alleviated by insurance companies. If you learn the tell-tale signs of termites inside your house or business, like knowing how to identify swarmers, you can get ahead of any issues. Read on for crucial information, including details on how Chase Pest Control can assist you.

What Do Termite Swarmers Look Like? 

Swarmers make up the reproductive portion of a termite colony on your West Chester property. This ½ of an inch-long insect is usually yellow, brown, or black. In addition to length and coloring, their scaly wings distinguish them from workers and soldiers. The active termites are often seen by fixtures and windows because they’re enthusiastic about lights.

Worker termites in the area are 0.12 of an inch long and white or grayish-white. The soldiers that watch out for them are yellow-brown. Rectangular heads and giant mandibles are what make them physically unique. 

If wood is placed on the ground, it will foreseeably be crowded by active termites. Trouble will be ahead if the matter is erected for a dwelling or moved indoors. They also have the potential to penetrate foundation openings. Walls, floors, and bases are sure to become meager and even shaky with termites. Regarding medical health, allergy hurdles are possible; disease isn’t. The pests can be eaten as a delicacy. Environmentally, their dissection of wood feeds the soil, trees, and plants with nutrients.

Termite Swarmers Could Be The First Warning Sign 

Swarmers buzzing by are an indisputable indication that an infestation is in progress.

Signs of termites inside your house or establishment also include:

  • Seeing the shed wings of swarmers
  • Finding stacks of fecal frass near the mud tubes, holes, and maze patterns of termites
  • Walls that sound hollow when knocked on
  • Hearing rustling and clicking from inside foundations
  • Peeling or swelling paint
  • Wilting or off-color drywall
  • Unhooking tiles and yielding floorboards  
  • Snug window frames and doors

How Long Do Termite Swarms Last? 

Termite swarms may be out and about for a few days. There will be one or two particularly heavy days; things will gradually taper off from there. 

How Do You Get Rid Of Termite Swarmers?

Many try retail pesticides and DIY agents to avert evidence of termite damage, but they won’t be successful. Such items don’t have the necessary concentration to flush out these bugs. Further, they can be pricey and toxic.

Here are the best independent methods: 

  • Replace or restore wood that is decaying or injured.
  • Fix moisture dysfunctions and leaks as soon as possible.
  • Close up cracks in utilities, foundations, and caulk.
  • Add screens to all doors that face the outside.
  • Swill gutters and vents on a routine basis.
  • Distance greenery and wood from the property.
  • Don’t allow free wood, like fire logs, to touch the soil.
  • Cut the grass and trim the greenery regularly.  

We at Chase Pest Control have top-of-the-line termite treatments that are completely safe. Our experienced technicians will use infrared technology to locate these bugs and then apply Termidor® products. Bait stations will be employed as well. These options are fashioned to infiltrate colonies and create a protective barrier. Pre-construction options and Texas Wood Destroying Insect Reports are available. Call today to get a free inspection and wipe out a termite colony on your Conroe property!

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