Answering The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Silverfish In Conroe


Silverfish crawling around your Conroe home isn’t a pleasant sight, and silverfish infestations can often be difficult to remove. If you want to know how to get rid of silverfish for good, your best option is to contact Conroe pest control professionals for their advice.

Why Are Silverfish Called Silverfish?

Silverfish may be small insects, but they earn their name from their teardrop shape, silvery, almost metallic, coloration, and the fish-like way that they move. Silverfish have three long appendages that come off the back of their body and a long pair of antennae that only add to their creepy-crawly appearance. Large infestations of silverfish can be quite frightening to come across in your home due to their size and fish-like movements.

What Is The Purpose Of Silverfish?

When outdoors in their natural habitats, silverfish act as important decomposers for the ecosystem. Silverfish break down debris and organic matter found outside, often preferring moist and humid environments as these are the most conducive to waste decomposing and deterioration. For the most part, silverfish entering your home is an accident, and they are drawn inside by easy access to moist, humid conditions or starchy stored items to feed on.

Habits And Behavior Of Silverfish In Conroe

Silverfish in Conroe are likely to display certain habits and behavior that make them predictable; learning these things about silverfish helps you understand how to prevent and control infestations of this pest.

Silverfish are drawn to moist, humid, and damp areas. Having many moisture and drainage issues around your property will only encourage this pest to invade interior areas and camp out around your yard, as this pest loves to break down decomposing items outdoors and munch on grains and starchy stored items such as clothing, books, and fabrics indoors. Silverfish also love dark, secluded areas and will flock to hide in bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and crawl spaces around your home, as this mimics the areas that they would live in outdoors.

Silverfish damage can be extensive once this pest invades your home, which is why reaching out to local silverfish pest control professionals is preferable for treating infestations of this insect.

What Can I Do To Remove The Silverfish From My Home?

The best way to get rid of silverfish for good, besides contacting Chase Pest & Termite for help with active infestations, is to implement preventative tactics around your home. Doing this will reduce the numbers of silverfish you encounter around your property and deter full-blown infestations from starting:

  • Seal cracks around your home’s windows, doors, and foundation to keep silverfish out. You can also use sturdy window and door screens in addition to weather stripping to totally pest-proof your home.
  • Address moisture issues, leaks, and drainage problems around your property to stop humid, damp environments from attracting silverfish.
  • Keep outdoor areas free of wood piles, long grasses, and debris, as these are likely to create dark, moist environments and attract hungry silverfish to your property.
  • Use a dehumidifier in interior areas to prevent excess moisture from tempting silverfish inside. Basements especially can benefit from this.
  • To prevent silverfish from feasting on items in your home, utilize plastic airtight containers to store items such as books and clothing, and even to store pantry staples such as cereals and grains.

Remember to contact Chase Pest & Termite the moment you suspect a widespread silverfish infestation is occurring and allow our team to completely eradicate this pest from your property.

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