Stop Silverfish In Their Tracks: Top Techniques For Control For Conroe Homes


Pest control in Conroe is an important part of maintaining your property and avoiding unnecessary damage. This post will provide you with a useful explanation of how to stop silverfish in your home from getting out of hand and how to prevent future silverfish issues.


We’re going to do this by briefly touching on silverfish behavior and preferences, detailing the kinds of damage that silverfish can cause in human homes, and discussing DIY prevention and professional control.

By the end, you’ll know why these pests are taken so seriously and how to properly handle them. You may also want to bookmark this page for future reference.

Understanding Silverfish: Behavior, Habitat, And Life Cycle

Here’s a brief rundown of how silverfish in Conroe develop and why they do what they do. All silverfish start out as eggs, and they progress to nymphs. You can think of nymphs as baby silverfish. Finally, silverfish nymphs become adults. The whole process takes about five weeks.

The silverfish habitat is basically any space that is warm and damp. A source of food can also attract them, but they especially love warm, damp spaces. As you might have guessed, human homes offer plenty of spaces that meet these criteria.

Silverfish behavior is not especially complex. They look for food and prefer to stay in areas that are dark and isolated. If you uncover silverfish in your home, they’re likely to scurry away.

Damaging Effects Of Silverfish In Your Home: What You Need To Know

What do silverfish do to your home? What kinds of damage can they cause? These are the big questions that a lot of homeowners start to ask when they find silverfish in their homes.

Because silverfish are attracted to starch, paper products, and fabric, they can cause significant damage to your clothing, your books, wallpaper, stored documents, and dry-storage food with long shelf lives.

This is especially troubling since silverfish are good at hiding themselves. You might not notice them until after your belongings have been damaged. Generally, items stored in secluded areas you don’t access very often are at greater risk if silverfish are present. 

Professional Silverfish Extermination: When To Call In The Experts

With all this in mind, how do you get rid of silverfish? And at what stage should you contact a professional pest control service for help?

We’ll put it this way: you should contact Chase Pest & Termite Control immediately after realizing that silverfish are present. For one, pest control companies are an excellent resource when you’re searching for pest solutions. For example, you can confirm with them that what you’re seeing are actually silverfish.

Of course, pest control companies can also offer professional silverfish control services. For the DIY-er, silverfish removal is complicated and difficult work. But for professionals, it’s just another day on the job. They have the equipment and the training to remove silverfish quickly.

Effective Prevention: Tips To Keep Silverfish From Returning

Lastly, it’s time to cover how to prevent silverfish from coming into your home and multiplying.

Here is a list of tips you can put into practice right away to reduce the risk of silverfish infestations: 

  • Reduce the amount of humidity and moisture in the home, especially in attics and basements.
  • Replace damaged caulking in the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Dust regularly, especially in areas you don’t use as often.
  • Keep foods, especially dry goods, in sealed containers.
  • Clean floors often, taking care to remove food crumbs.
  • Make sure that storage boxes are sealed tightly. 

These tips will help make your home less appealing to silverfish, thereby reducing the chances of experiencing an infestation.

Let the professionals at Chase Pest & Termite Control help with silverfish! Reach out today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Conroe. We’ll be happy to help you out. 

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