Carpenter Ant Prevention In Conroe Is Most Important In The Fall


Pest control in Conroe is a year-round job. Many people see spring and summer as the times of peak pest activity. However, some pests, like carpenter ants, don't rest when the temperature drops. Fortunately for Conroe residents, Chase Pest & Termite Control has your back every day of the year.

Where Are Typical Carpenter Ant Nesting Sites?

Carpenter ants in Conroe are the large black ants of homeowners' nightmares. They can grow upwards of an inch in length and live within large colonies. A single carpenter ant colony can contain up to 50 thousand ants! A carpenter ant colony consists of sterile female workers, soldiers, and eggs all headed by the queen. Spotting a carpenter ant queen on your property is a sure sign that a nest is nearby. The carpenter ant queen will be the largest ant. 

Carpenter ants are named after their nest-building technique, where they excavate wood to create tunnels to live. Carpenter ants can often be found nesting in logs, trees, or stumps; however, these pests have no qualms about moving into your property. Carpenter ants prefer wet and damaged wood, as it's the easiest to bore through. After tunneling through decayed wood, carpenter ants also go after undamaged wood. Carpenter ants are typically found within fence posts, firewood, decking, porches, wood siding, wooden windows and door frames, and crawl spaces.  

Is It Possible To Hear Carpenter Ants Chewing A Wall?

There are a few telltale signs of carpenter ants in your house, such as:

  • Faint rustling coming from within walls and woodwork. Yes, it is possible to hear carpenter ants chewing within walls occasionally.
  • Piles of sawdust. These piles are called frass, a mixture of insect waste and chewed wood. Carpenter ants don't eat wood; they only remove wood to create their ever-expanding nests.
  • Wood that sounds hollow or weak. Wood that has been bored through by carpenter ants will be significantly weaker.
  • Small openings on the surface of the wood. Carpenter ants use these holes to push out their frass.
  • Seeing swarmers. Swarmers are winged carpenter ants ready to mate and create a new colony; these ants emerge in the spring.

These signs are all red flags that should alert homeowners to a carpenter ant infestation that can be detrimental to their property.

What Not To Do About Carpenter Ant Damage

If you suspect carpenter ants of made a home on your property, the last thing you want to do is ignore it. Without proper intervention, the carpenter ants will continue to spread and destroy the integrity of your home. Contacting a professional is the best way to get rid of carpenter ants. 

Preventative measures can and should be employed to ensure carpenter ants never return. Carpenter ants are attracted to moisture; therefore, great care should be taken to ensure no excess water in or around the house. Firewood should also be stored at least 20 feet from the home. Check your home for cracks and gaps that carpenter ants may use to gain entry; if any openings are found, they should be sealed with a silicone-based caulk. 

Carpenter Ant Extermination In Conroe

Again, a pest control expert is the only way to guarantee that your home is safe for active infestations. Chase Pest & Termite Control can offer ant control solutions to fit your needs. With over 20 years of experience serving Conroe residents, we know what it takes to care for your home. Call Chase Pest & Termite Control today for your free estimate and peace of mind!

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