Why DIY Rat Control Often Fails In Conroe


Rats are smart and resourceful animals. Do you know that a rat can scale a tree, run across a branch, and leap four feet to get onto your roof? Do you know that, on your roof, it can claw on shingles and pull up metal flashing to enter your roof voids? The reason rat control often fails is because Conroe residents underestimate these pests. We don't want you to underestimate them. That's why we've put together this quick guide to rat control. We'll look at how to tell if you have rats around your home. If you don't, that's great! We'll share effective tips to keep rats away from your property. If you do find evidence of rat activity, we'll tell you some of the challenges you may experience when dealing with these big rodents. Lastly, we'll tell you how to get rid of rats. Every life lived is a story. If you'd like to skip to the part of your story where you don't have rats anymore, we can help you fast-forward. Contact us for advanced rodent pest control in Conroe. We know the best way to get rid of rats fast.  

How To Tell If It's Rats Lurking Around Your House

Are you ready to track rats down? They're sneaky, so you'll have to get a flashlight, some knee pads, and some work gloves to tackle this job. You may also need a ladder if you're willing to go up onto your roof. If you have a steep roof, get a contractor to do this for you. Look for the following:

  • Rats leave their droppings as they explore. These droppings are black and shiny when fresh. They're also squishy. Don't touch them with your hands though, they are a source of disease transmission. You're looking for droppings that are ½ to ¾ of an inch long and pinched on each end. You'll likely find them on the ground between landscaping and your exterior walls, underneath your deck, or around your utilities.
  • Rats make holes in building materials. Look for these holes both high and low. Remember how well rats can climb? Well, rats don't just climb trees. They can scale the sides of your home and enter your gable vents. If you see a hole up high, don't discount rats. Also, keep in mind that a rat hole may only be an inch in diameter. Many adult rats can fit through holes that are about the size of a quarter. Look for holes in low places as well. Rats chew through door frames, claw and chew through concrete around pipes, and damage foundation vents to enter homes.
  • Norway rats dig holes in the ground. You may find a Norway rat hole underneath a pile of clutter. That is where they prefer to create their ground burrows. You may also see a hole dug near a shed. Keep in mind that other Conroe pests do this too.  
  • If you see a rat, you don't have to wonder if you have rats lurking around your house. But you need to look for them at night. Rats are nocturnal. Use your flashlight to look under your exterior deck, stairs, and other structures. If you have a crawlspace, take a peek in there during the day when rats are somewhat dormant.

Checking for rodent activity is helpful for detecting an infestation before and after you apply rodent management methods. Use these tips to help you track those pests down. We hope you don't find any evidence. If that is the case, you can move to the next section and consider how to prevent a rat problem.     

Effective Tips To Prevent Rats On Your Property

There are many ways to keep rats out of your yard, and more importantly, out of your home. It is hard work, so you're going to have to get your game face on. Here are our best suggestions for rodent management and rodent infestation prevention.

  • Keep trash in covered containers that are free of strong, rodent-attracting odors. The scent of decaying human food is sure to lure rodents to your property. One of the best ways to maintain a receptacle that doesn't smell like decaying human food is to get your trash to the curb each week. If you don't, spray the receptacle down with soapy water to remove odors. 
  • Rake up nuts if you have trees that produce these. Squirrels aren't the only animals that love nuts. Also, consider refraining from putting peanuts out for the squirrels.
  • Rake up fruit that falls from trees. Norway rats eat rotting fruit off the ground.
  • Put metal flashing around fruit trees. Roof rats scale trees and eat fruit off the branches. A wide strip of metal flashing can create a dead zone that roof rats can't claw onto and scale. Their claws will just scrape and slide down a piece of metal flashing without getting any traction.
  • Protect vegetables, berries, and other food sources by putting up fencing material. Install fencing so that it curves at the top and goes down into the ground a foot.
  • Move bird feeders well away from your exterior, or entirely from your property. Rats flock to bird feeders and will want to live near this favorite food option.
  • Pick up objects that lay on the ground in your yard. Rats use ground objects to help them make their way through yards. They have poor eyesight and must use their whiskers to feel their way. An open and clutter-free yard is resistant to rat activity.  
  • Block access to the voids underneath structures, such as your back deck. Hardware cloth is great for tackling this job. Use hardware cloth that is made for keeping rodent pests out.
  • Trim vegetation in your landscaping, remove weeds, address unwanted grass, and trim all your plants away from your foundation. Rats like to hide in vegetation.

These tips are known to work well in deterring rat activity. Refrain from using deterrents, such as sound generators, scare tactics, mothballs, and plants. They either don't work well—or they don't work at all. You'll have better success with the tips given here.     

Why It's So Hard To Get Rid Of Rats On Your Own

If you discover that rats have gotten into your home, whether you figured it out when you did your inspection, or you're detecting noises in your home, you'll want to do something about the rats. But don't be too quick to get traps or bait. It isn't easy to get rid of rats. Here are a few facts to consider:

  • Rats are suspicious of new things. If you place a trap down in an area a rat has been, it is likely to avoid your trap.
  • Rats have an incredible sense of smell. If you touch your traps with your hands, a rat can smell you on the trap, and it will likely avoid it.
  • Rats are fast. They are known to avoid spring traps without getting caught.
  • Baits may work on rats, but there are serious issues that can arise when baits are misapplied, such as a rotting rodent carcass trapped in a wall void. That is a stinky situation. It is also a catalyst for other pest problems.

Rodent control is a scientific process. It requires an evaluation of your property, the development of an effective treatment plan, and a multi-pronged approach that includes trapping, exclusions, sanitation, and habitat modifications. We strongly recommend hiring a licensed pest management professional.      

The Safe And Effective Way To Get Rid Of Rats

Not all pest control service providers are the same. Chase Pest Control values solutions that use the least amount of control materials. When it comes to keeping rats out of your home and away from your property, our solutions are not only eco-friendly, they provide long-lasting control. We perform exclusion work all the way around your home. We get the trouble spots, such as gaps around pipes and wires, vent openings, garbage shoots, foundation cracks, and more. We also evaluate your property and provide advice for addressing the organic matter and available food sources that will attract rodents. If rats have gotten inside your Conroe home, no worries. Our technicians have the training and experience to set traps, remove rats, and monitor the success of the trapping program. If your rats do something unexpected, our technicians will adapt and alter the control program to get the results you want.

If you live in Conroe, you can count on Chase Pest Control for an effective and long-lasting solution. If you're outside of our service area, find a company like ours. Not all pest control service providers offer exclusion work or use construction-grade materials. Not all pest control service providers use Integrated Pest Management, the gold standard in pest control, to develop rodent control plans that use the least amount of control materials. Don't settle for less when dealing with a rat control problem. Get a company that will do the job the way you want it done. For rats in Conroe, contact us. We're here to help!   

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